مرحبًا أعزائي ،،
أقدم لكم باقة من خبرات الحياة والحكم والأمثلة و الأقوال المفيدة و القصص القصيرة
من الحكم الإنجليزية
❝ Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longe. ❞
من الحكم الإنجليزية , من مقولات عن الوعي الذاتى
❝ Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live. ❞
من الحكم الإنجليزية
❝ We know what we are, but not what we may be
* "نحن نعرف ما نحن عليه ، ولكن ليس ما قد نكون".. ❞ -
من الحكم الإنجليزية
❝ It takes determination to see a dream come to pass. The question is not will you start, but will you finish. ❞
⏤ جويل اوستين -
من الحكم الإنجليزية , من الحكم القصيرة
❝ Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head
* "النجاح يأتي لأولئك من يكرسون كل شيء في حياتهم فقط لما يحبوه وبارعون فيه، لا تدع المال والشهرة يسيطرون عليك!". ❞ -
من الحكم الإنجليزية
❝ Maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters. ❞
من الحكم الإنجليزية
❝ You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ❞